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Types of Membership

FPI has 2 types of membership, namely Full Membership and Associate Membership.

By submitting the form below you are agreeing with the following statements:

If applying for full membership:

  1. I confirm that I am a qualified CFP professional currently accredited by FPSB Ireland.
  2. I agree to be bound by the membership rules and Constitution of Financial Planners Ireland.

If applying for Associate Membership

  1. I confirm that I wish to apply to become and Associate member of FPI on the basis of being either:
    • a currently subscribed student of the Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning and pursuing CFP certification
    • other appropriate qualified individuals who in the view of the Board meet the necessary criteria to become associate/subscriber members of the Society.
  2. I agree to be bound by the membership rules and Constitution of the Society of Financial Planners Ireland

Rules of Membership

  1. The number of full members of the Association is unlimited.
  2. The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association and such other persons as the Board of Directors shall admit to membership in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained shall be members of the Financial Planners of Ireland.
  3. Every member of the Association shall either sign a written consent or consent on the online application form or consent in such other way as the Directors may deem appropriate from time to time to become a member.
  4. Every applicant for admission as a member shall undertake, either in writing or electronically, that so long as he/she is a member of the Financial Planners of Ireland he/she shall comply with such other conditions as the Board of Directors may reasonably require.
  5. Admission to membership shall be decided by the Board at their next meeting following receipt of a completed application for membership being received by the Secretary of the Financial Planners of Ireland.
  6. The annual membership fee shall be set by the Board of Directors. This fee may be varied by them as they may determine from time to time.
  7. The name of every member shall be entered in the register of members maintained by the Secretary.
  8. Those persons who are members at the date of adoption of these Articles will continue to be members of the same class, subject to the provisions of these Articles as to termination of membership.
  9. The rights and privileges of a member shall be personal to that member and shall not be transferable.
  10. The directors may, from time to time, set an annual subscription to be payable by any member of the company. That subscription shall be payable in advance on the 1st day of April in each year. Someone who becomes a member of the company after that date may be required to pay the entire annual subscription for that year and someone who stops being a member before that date shall not be entitled to any refund.
  11. The directors may also, from time to time, set terms and conditions for life subscriptions.
  12. Associate/Subscriber membership is open to students pursuing CFP certification or other appropriate qualified individuals who in the view of the Board meet the necessary criteria to become associate/subscriber members of the Financial Planners of Ireland.

Termination of Membership

  1. Resignation: A member will be at liberty by notice in writing to resign his/her membership at any time.
  2. Removal by Board of Directors: 
    1. All complaints in relation to the conduct of the Societies members and alleged breaches of discipline shall be dealt with by the Board of Directors
    2. Any member who, in the opinion of the Board  duly expressed by resolution thereof, has been guilty of conduct which renders him/her unfit to retain his membership may be removed from membership by a resolution to that effect passed by the Board at a meeting duly convened with notice of intention to consider the case, at which not less than one-third of the Board members are present, and of which the member is given at least 14 days’ notice and an opportunity to be heard in his own defence either in person or by another, at the meeting.
      Any member:
    3. who is convicted of an indictable offence other than one prescribed by the Road Traffic Acts.
    4. who is more than six months in arrears in paying to the Society his/her annual subscription or any other sum which has become payable by him/her to the Society.
    5. who has, under any resolution of creditors or order of any court having jurisdiction or any deed or document, had his/her estate placed in liquidation for the benefit of creditors, or has been adjudged bankrupt and has not been discharged; or
    6. who has been, and is still, disqualified by the High Court from being a company director
    7. may be removed from membership by a resolution to that effect passed by the Board at a meeting duly convened with notice of Intention to consider the case, at which not less than one-third of the Council members are present.